24/7 Service for Stark County Ohio and Surrounding Counties
Drain Cleaning Services
Main sewer lines to road or septic
Secondary drain lines within buildings
Backed up kitchen/bathroom sinks
Clogged showers/tub drains
Toilets not flushing
Washing machine drains
Laundromat drain traps
Dishwasher drain problems
Home seller/buyer inspections
Video record; proof of clean lines
Pressure Wash Services
Driveway and walks
Siding and decks
Patios and steps
Home Maintenance Services
Install water heaters
Garbage disposal installation
Fix or replace toilets
Install or repair faucets
Stop leaks throughout home
Hydro Jet
Hydro-jetting is hands down the best way to assure clean drains and sewer pipes. Our 4,000 psi rotary head jets also pulsate to break up scale, rust, grit and grease, and even cuts away at root buildup.
Front blast cuts a path. Rear facing sprays pull hose forward while clearing and flushing debris.
4000 psi rotating and oscillating high volume jets
Cuts path through roots and slices them to smithereens!
Video Camera Inspections
Camera inspection removes the guesswork. See with your own eyes the exact condition of your drains. Repeat drain problems have many causes: collapsed & broken pipes, root growth, excess buildup of sludge or grease, and so much more.
This video is an excellent example of the benefits drain camera inspection and video recording. The drain / sewer technician is 100% right that merely snaking the drain may lead to false security because waste does begin to flow again. But, only until the next small object again blocks the small opening.
Snake and auger are faithful old standbys in the drain cleaning arsenal. With the auger we often manage to retrieve objects clogging the drain like diapers or other odd objects that manage to find a floor drain.
We know how to fix a clogged drain the right way. Each situation calls for a different solution. Clearing a clogged toilet drain is often a homeowner job. But if the basement drain is clogged it’s best to call a professional.
The snake relies on brute force, and punches a way through clogged drains. We may manage to get the water flowing again. The problem is, however, that may not be sufficient to actually clear the drain. That’s where the jetter and video shine, and why those services cost more. Time-consuming hard work with expensive equipment… but increased confidence the job is done right.
Home Repairs
With four decades of home and apartment ownership and management our team is well-seasoned and well-equipped.If we’re already at your place, feel free to discuss other needs. If we cannot meet your need.
If we’re already at your place, feel free to discuss other needs. If we cannot meet your need the odds are very great that we know someone reliable to suggest. And we’re happy to do so. Satisfied customers are our top priority.
Pressure Washing
Dirty concrete drive? Walks look dingy? Take a hard look at the front patio steps or garage door. Over time they just start looking dirty.
Home buyers and sellers know a good wash down will instantly improve curb appeal.
Decks, walks and driveways, siding, patios. Call us to discuss pressure washing your property. Your neighbors will thank you!
Industry leading 2021 hydro-jetter
Available for scheduled or ASAP emergency drain services