Gutter Drainage | Sink Hole Developed
Category : service

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Customer input: A decent sized sink hole has appeared in the yard by the road near the storm drain. I need it looked at and advised what to do to fix.
NEO findings: As customer described a sink hole was found near storm drain by the road. Ran jetter and locator in gutter drain and was not able to clear blockage about 15′ foot before storm drain. Neighbors have disconnected from city storm drain because of issues.
NEO actions: Excavated drain line and cut into 4″ line and redirected drain to exit ground level instead of tying back into a problematic city storm drain system. Filled sink hole with gravel then top soil.
[[drain cleaning services | outdoor drain cleaning service | city storm drain cleaning]]

Not actual photo of job
Service location:
Canton OH 44708 44708
Hashtags: #dontIgnoreThings; #safetyfirst