Believe It or Not DIY Can Cost More
Category : service
So many people call with the same problems. We’ve decided to blog certain drain repairs to give DIY homeowners an idea of what and how to tackle some drain jobs, and when to call in the pros from the outset.
Augers (as shown below) are essential for certain drain cleaning jobs, provided they are use by persons knowledgeable of the risks. It is very easy to get clothing and gloves tangled into the cable and risk serious injury.

We try always to use our far safer ‘sectional’ cable machine to prevent such mishaps. It is not uncommon to be called in by homeowners who have twisted and knotted up the rental company’s cable. That’s a big expense on top of the unit rental itself. One DIY customer got the drain auger cable so stuck in their main drain line that it had to be cut – and then replaced. Besides that, they had to pay an excavator to dig up the area of blockage in order to retrieve the cable. That was a very expensive and failed DIY job that ended up costing a rental fee, cable, drain pro, and excavator.
#diy, #drainmaintenance
Location: Canton, Ohio 44702